Blood pressure is the force the blood exerts on the walls of the arteries.  This should be less than 120/80 mm Hg.  When the force exerted by blood on the blood vessels is high it is called hypertension.  Hypertension usually has no symptoms and is known as the silent enemy.  The only way to know how your blood pressure is by measuring it regularly. 

No treating high blood pressure can be dangerous to your health.  Hypertension increases the burden on the heart and over time damages the arteries and organs of the body.  However, know that hypertension is preventable.  You can help your heart by following the recommendations below.

  • Be kind to yourself in times of stress.  Identify what helps you properly manage this emotion.
  • Reduce salt, fat, and sugar in your meals.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes daily.  It can be 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables in your meals.
  • Reduce the consumption of alcohol.
  • Do not smoke and avoid being a passive smoker (being next to smokers).
  • Visit your doctor and follow his recommendations, especially with your medicines.

When preparing your meals consider using some of these spices instead of salt.

GarlicOnionBlack pepperOregano

Blood Pressure Categories, according to the American Heart Association

CategoryMeasurement (mm Hg)
NormalLess than 120/80 
Elevated120-129/less 80
Hypertension Level 1130-139/80-89
Hypertension Level 2140 or more/90 or more
Hypertensio Crisis180 or more/120 or more

Controlling your blood pressure can help reduce your risk of stroke, heart attack, heart failure or kidney failure.  Always check your blood pressure and consult your doctor about the values obtained.  Help your heart enjoying a healthy lifestyle.

By: Tania Mangual-Monzón, MS, BHE

Fuente: American Heart Association