Our Wellness Program
The Health and Wellness program is aimed at strengthening the people’s knowledge, aptitudes, and attitudes so that they can participate responsibly in their physical and mental health care and develop healthy lifestyles by participating in the various educational strategies aimed at health promotion and prevention, early detection of illnesses, and the management and control of existing conditions.
- To procure the wellbeing of the insured by participating in various educational strategies presented by Myriad Benefits and your insurer.
- To design a strategic educational intervention plan according to the group’s needs.
- To contribute to reducing risk factors related to the chief conditions affecting the group.
- To promote healthy lifestyles.
- To promote a healthy utilization of the health plan
Intervention Strategies
- Monthly Collection of Health Bulletins
- Educational Activities
- Educational Workshops
- Health Flashes
- Paychecks Stuffer
- Informative Round Tables
- Vaccinations
- Health Clinics
- Health Fairs
Additional Services
Personalized Service:
Regardless of how carefully things are dealt with, occasionally problems may arise regarding matters such as card issuance, the claim reimbursement process, enrollment problems, billing errors, and questions that must be dealt with quickly and in a manner that pleases everyone.
Frequent Meetings:
Myriad’s staff is at your disposal at all times. Many employers find it helpful to meet with their agent frequently. This meeting offers a great opportunity to evaluate the insurer’s performance, deal with employee matters and those of their dependents, and to plan for the future.
When was the last time you surveyed your employees and covered dependents to determine how valuable your benefits package is? Every year, or even more frequently if you so desire, we will conduct a survey that will reveal which benefits are important to your company and which are not.
Employers with more than 20 employees can benefit from the surveys we conduct. These surveys consist of a list of questions, which may be generic or designed by the particular employer, to discover specific information regarding the benefits it provides its employees. The survey may include all of the benefits, not just those related to health and life insurance.
The employees fill out the survey anonymously and return it for evaluation. Myriad Benefits conducts a study and delivers a report about the survey’s results. We also offer recommendations that will benefit your company.
The provided information will give you a clear idea of which benefits are valued by your employees. Periodic use of these surveys will let you provide only the most valued benefits. Find out what your employees wish to express.
We resolve your problems aggressively. In addition to our continuous relationship with the insurer, we offer a complete customer service department with extended hours for the employees and their families. We encourage our customers, their employees, and their dependents to contact us so that we can offer them support and serve them. All calls will be recorded in our system with a time notice. Because we have solved similar situations, we can help you promptly!
Specialized Services Area:
From enrollment to termination of coverage, we will manage all aspects of the administrative process, including COBRA management, among others. Experienced personnel will assist your employees in everyday situations, such as: complaint management, problems accessing services contracted with the insurer, cards, and questions about coverage, pre-certifications, and others. Communications to employees according to the requirements established by law, and informational bulletins.
Other Services:
At Myriad Benefits we offer other relevant services that are very important to our clients.
COBRA Management:
We are COBRA Administrators and experts in compliance in Puerto Rico. COBRA administration is often considered a risk because of the laws governing its management and the harsh non-compliance penalties for employers to whom the law applies. Our COBRA Administration team has the knowledge, certified personnel and experience to ensure COBRA compliance with ease. Our COBRA Solutions, Inc. software is the best tool because it allows us to work with all of the aspects of the law. Our COBRA Administration includes, but is not limited to, orienting employees about their right to the law, notifying eligibility, completing forms, working with subsidies, coordinating the adequate payment process with the employee, compiling data, among others.
Annual Filing of Form 5500:
Form 5500 is the main source of information about the operations, financing, and investment of the employees’ benefits plan. This information is used by the IRS United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) and the United States Department of Labor (DOL). This form and its charts are available for inspection by the public. Some examples of benefits plans for employees are the pension benefit plan, assistance benefit plan, certain escrows, accounts, and other investment agreements. Myriad Benefits, Inc. prepares the draft required for the Annual Filing of Form 5500 with the IRS regarding Health Plan benefits and other employee benefits.
Invoice Reconciliation:
One of the areas where there are greater savings opportunities for our clients is the Invoice Reconciliation. There are two aspects that make this reconciliation indispensable:
- The cutoff date of the insurer’s various eligibility events
- The detailed verification of the Health Plan insured’s termination, enrollment and change events.
This report has resulted in substantial credits in some of our customers’ invoices.
We have a staff that is qualified to work with level of Audits that can be conducted on groups with “financimiento tarifado” and self-insured groups. This type of audit is the most neuralgic and sensitive component of service cost management.
Medical Loss Ratio
A basic financial measure used under the medical attention law to urge health plans to offer quality service to their insured. The Law establishes a minimum medical loss ratio for the various markets, as many state laws do. Myriad can help your company with the analysis of the medical loss index allotted to each of its employees.
Los Formularios
que usted necesita
Delta Dental
Formulario para Ingresos/Cambios
Formulario para Continuación de Seguro Dental Grupal (COBRA)
Formulario para Reclamaciones Dentales de la ADA
First Medical
Solicitud de Ingreso Grupal
Solicitud para Cambio en el Contrato
Solicitud de Reembolso
Documentos Necesarios para Procesar Reembolso
Formulario de Autorización para Uso y/o Divulgación de Información Protegida de Salud (PHI)
Solicitud de Ingreso Cambios y Bajas
C.O.B.R.A. “Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act”
Formulario de Elección de Extensión de Cubierta Bajo la Ley COBRA
Solicitud de Reembolso
Directorio de Proveedores PPO
Consentimiento para la divulgación de información de salud protegida (PHI)
Formulario para Transacciones de Empleados: Adiciones, Reinstalación, Terminación y COBRA
Formulario de Elección de Extensión de Cubierta Bajo la Ley COBRA
Formulario para Tramitar Reembolsos
Solicitud Medicamentos Primera Vez
Medco By Mail: Formulario de Pedido
Directorio de Proveedores
Autorización para Divulgar Información de Salud Protegida
Formulario de Inscripción / Cambio
Cuestionario para la Coordinación de Beneficios (COB)
Selección de Continuación de Cubierta Grupal de Salud (COBRA)
Formulario de Reembolso
Formulario de Reclamación de Reembolso de Recetas
MCS farma flex
Autorización para Uso y/o Divulgación de Información de Salud
Myriad Benefits
Consentimiento para la divulgación de información de salud protegida (PHI)
Solicitud de Ingreso
Hoja de Tramite
Formulario de Coordinación de Beneficios (COB)
Formulario COBRA (página 1)
Formulario COBRA (página 2)
Solicitud de Reembolso de Gastos Médicos
Programa de farmacia expreso: Formulario de Registro
Solicitud de Ingreso: Vida
Autorización para Divulgar Información de Salud Protegida
Personalized Service:
Regardless of how carefully things are dealt with, occasionally problems may arise regarding matters such as card issuance, the claim reimbursement process, enrollment problems, billing errors, and questions that must be dealt with quickly and in a manner that pleases everyone.
Frequent Meetings:
Myriad’s staff is at your disposal at all times. Many employers find it helpful to meet with their agent frequently. This meeting offers a great opportunity to evaluate the insurer’s performance, deal with employee matters and those of their dependents, and to plan for the future.
When was the last time you surveyed your employees and covered dependents to determine how valuable your benefits package is? Every year, or even more frequently if you so desire, we will conduct a survey that will reveal which benefits are important to your company and which are not. Employers with more than 20 employees can benefit from the surveys we conduct. These surveys consist of a list of questions, which may be generic or designed by the particular employer, to discover specific information regarding the benefits it provides its employees. The survey may include all of the benefits, not just those related to health and life insurance. The employees fill out the survey anonymously and return it for evaluation. Myriad Benefits conducts a study and delivers a report about the survey’s results. We also offer recommendations that will benefit your company. The provided information will give you a clear idea of which benefits are valued by your employees. Periodic use of these surveys will let you provide only the most valued benefits. Find out what your employees wish to express. We resolve your problems aggressively. In addition to our continuous relationship with the insurer, we offer a complete customer service department with extended hours for the employees and their families. We encourage our customers, their employees, and their dependents to contact us so that we can offer them support and serve them. All calls will be recorded in our system with a time notice. Because we have solved similar situations, we can help you promptly!
Specialized Services Area:
From enrollment to termination of coverage, we will manage all aspects of the administrative process, including COBRA management, among others. Experienced personnel will assist your employees in everyday situations, such as: complaint management, problems accessing services contracted with the insurer, cards, and questions about coverage, pre-certifications, and others. Communications to employees according to the requirements established by law, and informational bulletins.
Other Services:
COBRA Management:
We are COBRA Administrators and experts in compliance in Puerto Rico. COBRA administration is often considered a risk because of the laws governing its management and the harsh non-compliance penalties for employers to whom the law applies. Our COBRA Administration team has the knowledge, certified personnel and experience to ensure COBRA compliance with ease. Our COBRA Solutions, Inc. software is the best tool because it allows us to work with all of the aspects of the law. Our COBRA Administration includes, but is not limited to, orienting employees about their right to the law, notifying eligibility, completing forms, working with subsidies, coordinating the adequate payment process with the employee, compiling data, among others.
Annual Filing of Form 5500:
Form 5500 is the main source of information about the operations, financing, and investment of the employees’ benefits plan. This information is used by the IRS United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) and the United States Department of Labor (DOL). This form and its charts are available for inspection by the public. Some examples of benefits plans for employees are the pension benefit plan, assistance benefit plan, certain escrows, accounts, and other investment agreements. Myriad Benefits, Inc. prepares the draft required for the Annual Filing of Form 5500 with the IRS regarding Health Plan benefits and other employee benefits.
Invoice Reconciliation:
One of the areas where there are greater savings opportunities for our clients is the Invoice Reconciliation. There are two aspects that make this reconciliation indispensable:
- The cutoff date of the insurer’s various eligibility events
- The detailed verification of the Health Plan insured’s termination, enrollment and change events.
This report has resulted in substantial credits in some of our customers’ invoices.
We have a staff that is qualified to work with level of Audits that can be conducted on groups with “financimiento tarifado” and self-insured groups. This type of audit is the most neuralgic and sensitive component of service cost management.
Medical Loss Ratio
A basic financial measure used under the medical attention law to urge health plans to offer quality service to their insured. The Law establishes a minimum medical loss ratio for the various markets, as many state laws do. Myriad can help your company with the analysis of the medical loss index allotted to each of its employees.
Toda un Área de Servicios
Especializados a su Disposición
El Área de Servicios Especializados está diseñada de manera que, con sólo una llamada, usted pueda conocer más acerca de sus beneficios. Las respuestas a sus preguntas serán ofrecidas con agilidad, consistencia y seguridad.
Los siguientes servicios están incluidos: Manejo electrónico de los ingresos, terminaciones, cambios o reinstalaciones para usted y sus dependientes elegibles. Esto incluye el manejo de los datos demográficos, beneficios del plan de salud, el seguro de vida, seguro de muerte accidental y otros seguros suplementarios.
Cuando usted se comunique con el centro de llamadas, podrá resolver diversas situaciones, tales como: circunstancias relacionadas a los beneficios, servicios pre-autorizados en proceso y reembolsos.
Además de estos beneficios, el programa tiene recursos a su disposición que son expertos en servicio personalizado, con extenso conocimiento de cualquier legislación relacionada a los recursos humanos (COBRA, ERISA, HIPAA, etc.)
Para más información escríbanos hoy
Personalized Service:
Regardless of how carefully things are dealt with, occasionally problems may arise regarding matters such as card issuance, the claim reimbursement process, enrollment problems, billing errors, and questions that must be dealt with quickly and in a manner that pleases everyone.
Frequent Meetings:
Myriad’s staff is at your disposal at all times. Many employers find it helpful to meet with their agent frequently. This meeting offers a great opportunity to evaluate the insurer’s performance, deal with employee matters and those of their dependents, and to plan for the future.
When was the last time you surveyed your employees and covered dependents to determine how valuable your benefits package is? Every year, or even more frequently if you so desire, we will conduct a survey that will reveal which benefits are important to your company and which are not. Employers with more than 20 employees can benefit from the surveys we conduct. These surveys consist of a list of questions, which may be generic or designed by the particular employer, to discover specific information regarding the benefits it provides its employees. The survey may include all of the benefits, not just those related to health and life insurance. The employees fill out the survey anonymously and return it for evaluation. Myriad Benefits conducts a study and delivers a report about the survey’s results. We also offer recommendations that will benefit your company. The provided information will give you a clear idea of which benefits are valued by your employees. Periodic use of these surveys will let you provide only the most valued benefits. Find out what your employees wish to express. We resolve your problems aggressively. In addition to our continuous relationship with the insurer, we offer a complete customer service department with extended hours for the employees and their families. We encourage our customers, their employees, and their dependents to contact us so that we can offer them support and serve them. All calls will be recorded in our system with a time notice. Because we have solved similar situations, we can help you promptly!
Specialized Services Area:
From enrollment to termination of coverage, we will manage all aspects of the administrative process, including COBRA management, among others. Experienced personnel will assist your employees in everyday situations, such as: complaint management, problems accessing services contracted with the insurer, cards, and questions about coverage, pre-certifications, and others. Communications to employees according to the requirements established by law, and informational bulletins.
Other Services:
COBRA Management:
We are COBRA Administrators and experts in compliance in Puerto Rico. COBRA administration is often considered a risk because of the laws governing its management and the harsh non-compliance penalties for employers to whom the law applies. Our COBRA Administration team has the knowledge, certified personnel and experience to ensure COBRA compliance with ease. Our COBRA Solutions, Inc. software is the best tool because it allows us to work with all of the aspects of the law. Our COBRA Administration includes, but is not limited to, orienting employees about their right to the law, notifying eligibility, completing forms, working with subsidies, coordinating the adequate payment process with the employee, compiling data, among others.
Annual Filing of Form 5500:
Form 5500 is the main source of information about the operations, financing, and investment of the employees’ benefits plan. This information is used by the IRS United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) and the United States Department of Labor (DOL). This form and its charts are available for inspection by the public. Some examples of benefits plans for employees are the pension benefit plan, assistance benefit plan, certain escrows, accounts, and other investment agreements. Myriad Benefits, Inc. prepares the draft required for the Annual Filing of Form 5500 with the IRS regarding Health Plan benefits and other employee benefits.
Invoice Reconciliation:
One of the areas where there are greater savings opportunities for our clients is the Invoice Reconciliation. There are two aspects that make this reconciliation indispensable:
- The cutoff date of the insurer’s various eligibility events
- The detailed verification of the Health Plan insured’s termination, enrollment and change events.
This report has resulted in substantial credits in some of our customers’ invoices.
We have a staff that is qualified to work with level of Audits that can be conducted on groups with “financimiento tarifado” and self-insured groups. This type of audit is the most neuralgic and sensitive component of service cost management.
Medical Loss Ratio
A basic financial measure used under the medical attention law to urge health plans to offer quality service to their insured. The Law establishes a minimum medical loss ratio for the various markets, as many state laws do. Myriad can help your company with the analysis of the medical loss index allotted to each of its employees.