The beginning of another hurricane season in drawing near.  Are you ready?  It is cheaper to prevent than to have to remedy when we are not prepared.  There are many details to consider.  Therefore you should review the following checklist so you can be prepared in the event of a weather emergency.

  • Verify your insurance policy
  • Prepare a photo or video inventory or your property’s indoors and outdoors
  • Have a drill and/or discuss the steps to be followed during and after the emergency
  • Save money for an emergency
  • Check and test your generator
  • Check your gas tanks and refuel them
  • Inspect your property (windows, doors, water pipes, and storm shutters)
  • Clean the roof’s drain channels
  • Clean the gutters
  • Check your medications’ expiration date
  • Identify the shelter nearest you
  • Make copies of important documents (title deeds, insurance policies, etc.)
  • Prepare a basic emergency supplies kit
    • Water: one gallon of drinking water per person/per day; 10 gallons per person for sanitary purposes
    • Food: enough nonperishable food items for 10 days per person
    • Manual can opener
    • Additional water and food for pets
    • Cell phone with external charger and battery
    • Propane gas
    • Batteries
    • Flashlights or solar-powered lamps
    • Mosquito repellent
    • Cash (large and small bills)
    • Prescription for maintenance drugs
    • Health plan and social security cards

Take time to identify, collect, and update your personal and financial documents.  Save a copy of these documents in plastic bags or waterproof containers.  Remember to place the document package in an easily accessible location.  We can prepare ahead of time for any eventuality.

By: Tania Mangual-Monzón, BSHE, MS

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